Becoming a Dad

Everything changes... thats what I'm always told by current fathers and I think I'm just starting to understand what they mean.

Well first off AB (Alpha Bunny, our code name for the baby) wasn't a surprise, that said it still was a big surprise to hear the words "Your going to be a dad" for the first time.

One of first "Dad" lessons I learnt was nothing goes to plan. We had planned to tell my parents in person about the good news in our next trip to Sydney but that had to be replaced by a phone call from hospital (poor Casey had to be admitted 7 weeks into this journey). One positive from this issue was a very early scan, to rule out twins, yet another word that makes you fall over.

Below is AB at a very early 7.6 weeks... the size of blueberry

As they say, seeing is believing.. it was at about this point I think mentally I accepted that AB was "real" for less of better word.

From 6 weeks onwards, the hard work began... two words, morning sickness. While I accept I got the better end of the deal its still no cake walk having to take care of a very ill wife (admitted to hospital twice). Luckily it settled down by week 12 of which brings us to our next scan.

Below is AB at 12 weeks... the size of lime

Fast forward another 8 weeks and your faced with the knowing the answer to the big question.. Boy or Girl ?

Well luckily it wasn't a hard question to answer... the above is an image from under the bum looking up, with a very clear "thing" hanging between AB's two legs. Boy Oh Boy, that question out of the way.

And then you get greedy...
At first any image is mind blowing but after a while flat black and white doesn't cut it, welcome to 4D and week 24.

And so the journey continues....

Alpha Bunny = Generation Alpha, children born 2010- & the animal for the 2011 Chinese year, rabbit.