Monday, October 1, 2012

Introducing Your Topic

Everything changes... you’ll hear current fathers (and mothers) say those words to any expectant parent.

How does it change? What changes? When does it change? And most importantly how does it change?

Boy Oh Boy, let’s start with the first basic truth, nothing that anyone tells you will fully prepare you for parenthood… NOTHING. That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook already, there are still plenty of ways you can prepare to cope with that basic truth and for the daily trials that face any parent, especially Dads.
One of first "Dad" lessons I learnt was nothing goes to plan, a lesson all parents learn pretty quickly. Casey (my wife and mother to Oscar) and myself had planned to tell my parents in person about the good news in our next trip to Sydney but that had to be replaced by a phone call from hospital (poor Casey had to be admitted 7 weeks into this journey). One positive from this issue was a very early scan, to rule out twins, yet another word that makes you fall over. While on pregnancy, it’s worth pointing out it’s the last time you’ll be alone as a couple for the next 20 years (hopefully) so while not the easiest thing to do, don’t miss this chance to have some alone/couple time.  

While 9 months long, and you won’t believe so at the time, the pregnancy goes fast (sorry Casey) and soon you’ll be holding your own mini-me, so what next? Well that’s a big question that I’m still exploring and ask you to share. There’s the issue of traveling both domestically and internationally (forget travelling light ever again), there’s how to baby proof a house, coping with pets and the baby, the enjoy of food and feeding, education and how to start early, the joy of Christmas, capturing those first steps (and all those climbs) and watching a person and their personality form and so much more…

Please feel free to join this adventure by reading Boy Oh Boy (who knows what will happen next) or better yet by leaving comments of any tips or tricks you’ve picked up alone the way.

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